bridgeAdapt: Sustainable adaptation of bridges deteriorated to climate and human-induced damage

Funding: British Academy Fellowship & University of Birmingham

Total funding: £250k

CARA Fellow: Nadiia Kopiika

Duration: 2023-2025

The main motivation of bridgeAdapt is the extensive destruction of bridges in Ukraine. This project for the first time in the international literature will optimise resilience and sustainability metrics for restoring portfolios of bridges damaged to war and/or deteriorated due to inherent mechanisms (such as corrosions, fatigue) in an optimised manner by leveraging digital data at different levels of knowledge from disparate sources. In doing so, scenarios of proactive adaptation and reactive restoration of bridges will be analysed to support financing for more sustainable and more resilience road and railway networks in Ukraine.

Rapid post-disaster infrastructure damage characterisation enabled by remote sensing and deep learning technologies – a tiered approach

critical infrastructure, automatic damage characterisation, multi-scale, targeted attacks, remote sensing, deep learning.Nadiia Kopiika, Andreas Karavias, Pavlos Krassakis, Zehao Ye, Jelena Ninic, Nataliya Shakhovska, Sotirios Argyroudis, Stergios-Aristoteles Mitoulis



Rapid post-disaster infrastructure damage characterisation enabled by remote sensing and deep learning technologies – a tiered approach. Framework for automated damage characterisation is applied at different scales: regional (R), asset (A) and component (C) toward decisions for restoration. For more details:  

Sustainability and resilience-driven prioritisation for restoring critical infrastructure after major disasters and conflict.

prioritisation; resilience; sustainability; conflict-induced hazards; bridges; proactive and reactive measures. Kopiika, N., Di Bari, R., Argyroudis, S., Ninic, J., & Mitoulis, S. A


Case study


The general overview of the prioritisation for proactive and reactive measures, based on resilience and sustainability factors. The three dimensions of sustainability impact are indicated with colours: blue-economic, yellow-social, green-environmental. Resilience components are shown in red. Framework applied to the case study of 17 biggest bridges in Ukraine (Red numbers correspond to 18 bridges: 1 to 18. Blue lines mark regional administrative borders. The Red dashed line indicates the border of the territory with ongoing hostilities (as for spring 2024). Coloured zones indicate: red hatch, marked as territories with hostilities (H); red, marked as a zone of Low Safety Index (SI); yellow, marked as a zone of Medium SI; green, marked as High SI). For more details: 

Related publications:

Journal Papers:

  1. Kopiika, N., Karavias, A., Krassakis, P., Ye, Z., Ninic, J., Shakhovska, N., Sotirios Argyroudis Mitoulis, S. A. (2025). Rapid post-disaster infrastructure damage characterisation using remote sensing and deep learning technologies: A tiered approach. Automation in Construction, 170, 105955.  
  2. Kopiika, N., Di Bari, R., Argyroudis, S., Ninic, J., & Mitoulis, S. A. (2025). Sustainability and resilience-driven prioritisation for restoring critical infrastructure after major disasters and conflict. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 104592. 

    Conference papers:
  3. Kopiika, N., Ninic, J., & Mitoulis, S. (2024, April). Damage characterisation using Sentinel-1 images: Case study of bridges in Ukraine. In IABSE Symposium Manchester 2024: Construction’s Role for a World in Emergency, Manchester, UK, 10-12 March, 2024 (pp. 367-375).
  4. Kopiika, N., Mitoulis, S. A., & Ninic, J. (2024, May). Resilience Framework for Aged Bridges Subjected to Human-Induced Hazard-Case Study in Ukraine. In International Conference” Coordinating Engineering for Sustainability and Resilience” Timișoara, Romania, 29-31 May 2024 (pp. 50-62). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.
  5. Kopiika, N. S., Ninic, J., Cucuzza, R., & Mitoulis, S. A. (2024). Deterioration rate diagnosis to global climatic change: The case of Dnipro Dam in Ukraine. In 12th International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 24–28, 2024, (pp. 2603-2611). CRC Press. .
  6. Domaneschi, M.; Cucuzza, R.; Di Bari, R.; Argyroudis, S.; Mitoulis, S.; Kopiika, N. Resilience and sustainability assessment of a prestressed concrete viaduct. In 12th International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 24–28, 2024, (pp. 2594-2602),
  7. Stergios-Aristoteles Mitoulis, Nadiia Kopiika, Jelena Ninic, Andreas Karavias, Pavlos Krassakis, Nikolaos Koukouzas, Nataliya Shakhovska, Sotirios Argyroudis. Damage characterisation using stand-off observations to enable recovery: the case of infrastructure affected by targeted attacks, IABSE Congress 2024, 25-27 September, San Jose, Costa Rica,