Risk & Resilience of critical infrastructure CPD Seminar in London

Today we delivered a seminar in London on Risk & Resilience of critical infrastructure. The concepts and methods for the quantification of risk and resilience are of great interest for the insurance industry, engineering consultancies, network operators and social scientists dealing with infrastructure and community …

International Day of Women and Girls in Science @WomenScienceDay

The infrastructuResilience initiative is a diverse group of researchers that supports diversity and celebrates today Women and Girls’ involvement in science and Engineering! The success of our group heavily relies on its diversity and the activities that Dimitra, Sotiria and Marianna lead in our research …

keynote lecture in Bridges 2020

The infrastructuResilience group will be represented in the upcoming Bridges 2020 conference by Dr Sotirios Argyroudis, who will deliver an invited keynote lecture on the “Quantification of Resilience”. The conference will take place in the Ricoh Arena, Coventry, UK on 12-13 March 2020.

A prestigious H2020-MSCA-IF research grant!

We won a prestigious H2020-Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA)-IF research grant with Dr Marianna Loli! The infrastructuresilience group is celebrating the success! Title: ReBounce-Integrated resilience assessment framework for bridges and transport networks exposed to hydraulic hazards. Partners to provide case studies: IFSTTAR, France and JBA Consulting, …

The landmark Polyfytos bridge second inspection

Briefing to the W. Macedonia regional government of Greece (3 Feb. 2020) Presentation by Dr Stergios Mitoulis on the risk and resilience of the Polyfytos/Servia Bridge and the resilience of the region. Watch it here (time 3:14:10 onwards) or here (time 20:43pm onwards) A full-room during …

a new researcher is joining our team!

Ebo Emmanuel Kelechi joined the infrasrtuctuResilience group as a PhD student funded by TETFUND for 48 months. Emmanuel’s research will focus on the risk and resilience assessment of transport hubs and networks, considering their interoperabilities when exposed to multiple hazards. Emmanuel holds an MSc in …

New paper in the Science of The Total Environment

Happy to see our new paper published in the Science of The Total Environment available online here ! In this paper we have developed a novel and detailed framework for the resilience assessment of critical infrastructure exposed to a multiple-hazard environment, which is applied to a …

Brainstorming event: improving resilience in the utilities sector

First event on resilience for 2020: Resilience First’s briefing, in partnership with Resilience Shift funded by Lloyd’s Register Foundation, on “Lessons learned: improving resilience in the utilities sector“, hosted by ARUP London. A very interesting brainstorming with representatives from electric power, water and transport networks. Utilities and infrastructure …