Successful Innovate UK research grant

We just won a research grant from Innovate UK and this will open-up a new collaboration with Prof Mike G Winter, who is the CEO of the SME Winter Associates Limited. The title of the project is: Novel risk analysis tools for transport infrastructure exposed to …

Polyfytos Lake Bridge of Servia in the media

In continuation to Stergios involvement with the High Bridge of Servia (Polyfytos Lake Bridge),  Stergios will be talking to the national tv channels ERT1 (14 Jan, after 7am-GR time) and ERT3 (14 Jan, after 11am-GR time) analysing “what’s next” for this landmark bridge of high …

PhD examination at Imperial College

Stergios participated today in the examination of a PhD dissertation at Imperial College, on the design of externally prestressed timber bridges. Very interesting topic and impressive work. Thank you Christian Málaga-Chuquitaype for the invitation.

Meeting with industrial partner SIKA AG

Stergios and Dimitra had a fruitful meeting with Dr Annika Baier and Dr Fabien Choffat in the headquarters of SIKA AG in Zurich. The future trends of bond technologies for FRP measures were discussed with the industrial partner of Briface H2020-MSCA-IF project.  

ETH Zurich: Lecture on Risk and Resilience of Bridges and Networks

Stergios is giving an invited lecture on “Risk and Resilience of Bridges and Networks” at ETH Zurich-Institute of Structural Engineering on Monday 21st of October. Abstract: The exposure of bridges and transportation networks to natural hazards is proven to have severe consequences on world economies and …