Here you will find news relevant to the activities of the initiative including webinars, talks, consulting projects, publications, participation in conferences and meetings mostly relevant to resilience of critical infrastructure with emphasis on transport and energy assets and their intra/interdependencies, views on the UNs Sustainable Development Goals and use of digital and emerging technologies in infrastructure resilience- and sustainability-based management


Sep 19

Participation in SECED2019

We participated in the SECED2019 conference in Greenwich, London, 9-10 September 2019, presenting a paper on the “Fragility of bridges exposed to multiple hazards and impact on transport network resilience” (by Yuan V,  Argyroudis S,  Tubaldi E, Pregnolato M, Mitoulis S) and organised a session on “Fragility, vulnerability & infrastructure resilience” with inspiring discussions toward “a resilient world”.


Sep 19

Participation in the 2019 IABSE Congress New York City

Our group participated in the 2019 IABSE Congress in New York City, 4-6 September. The theme of the congress was the “Evolving Metropolis”, where we presented our work on “Risk and resilience of bridgeworks exposed to hydraulic hazards”,  by S Mitoulis, S Argyroudis and R Lamb.

Dr Dimitra Achillopoulou was shortlisted for the young engineers award and presented her project on “Novel assessment of bridge retrofitting measures through Interface Efficiency Indices using a Guided Wave-based monitoring method”.


Jul 19

New paper on “Fragility of transport assets exposed to multiple hazards”

Our paper on “Fragility of transport assets exposed to multiple hazards: State-of-the-art review toward infrastructural resilience” in Reliability Engineering & System Safety is now available online!

This is a collaborative work between infrasrtuctuResilience group and Mike G Winter (Winter Associates, formerly TRL) & Amir M Kaynia (NGI), in the framework of TRANSRISK H2020-MSCA-IF project.


Jul 19

Dr Mitoulis joined the editorial of the Journal of Bridge Engineering, ICE, UK

It was an honour that Dr Stergios Mitoulis has been invited to join the editorial panel of the Journal of Bridge Engineering, at Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE), UK.

This is a prestigious journal of the ICE, attracts both academic papers and real bridge applications. More information for the Journal can be found here:  


Jul 19

Participation in UCL EPICentre Encounters: Recent advances and perspectives in multi-hazard risk and resilience

Our group participated in the event organised by the EPICentre at University College London (UCL) on 2-3 July 2019: “Recent advances and perspectives in multi-hazard risk and resilience

Dr S Mitoulis presented our recent developments and ideas on “Resilience of transport infrastructure exposed to multiple hazards with applications on bridges”


Jun 19

Participation to ICONHIC2019, Chania, Greece

We participated to ICONHIC2019: 2nd International Conference on Natural Hazards & Infrastructure, 23-26 June in Chania, Greece.

Glad to present our recent work on resilience assessment of infrastructure, and to meet with friends and colleagues.

our papers:

“Resilience of critical infrastructure for multiple hazards: Case study on a highway bridge”, by Argyroudis S, Hofer L, Zanini MA, Mitoulis S


“Resilience of bridges subjected to earthquakes: A case study on a portfolio of road bridges”, by Nasiopoulos G, Mantadakis N, Pitilakis D, Argyroudis SA, Mitoulis SA


Jun 19

Seminar by Dr S Stefanidou, 12 July 2019 @ University of Surrey

We are happy to announce a specialised seminar on the Fragility assessment for retrofit prioritisation of bridges and impact on the road network, which will be delivered on 12 July 2019 by Dr Sotiria Stefanidou, Postdoctoral Researcher & visiting lecturer of the International Hellenic University.

The seminar will take place on Friday 12 July 2019, 12:00-13:00, at the University of Surrey, room  39 BB 02. Any enquiries, please email ,


Jun 19

DYMOBRIS project: experiments were successfully conducted at Europroteas facility

In the framework of DYMOBRIS H2020-SERA-TA project, we have successfully performed the experiments at the Europroteas facility, Greece on the 6th of June.  The scour effects in the dynamic response of the Soil-Foundation-Structure systems were monitored under variable vibration frequencies. The results of this project will provide a unique benchmark for informing both the design and assessment of bridges and other marine structures subjected to a sequence of scour and earthquake effects.


May 19

Meeting with Highways England: “University research – highway structures – hydraulic actions & extreme weather events”

We participated in the annual meeting organised on 14th of May by Highways England, on “University research – highway structures – hydraulic actions & extreme weather events”, with interesting discussions between academics and representatives of HE, on research priorities and the preparation of the DMRB document to replace BD 97/12 The Assessment of Scour and Other Hydraulic Actions at Highway Structures.


May 19

London Bridges Engineering Group

On the 10th of May we participated in the London Bridges Engineering Group (LoBEG) AGM, where we presented our ongoing survey for developing restoration curves for bridges exposed to hydraulic hazards.

Our research activities are aligned with the bridge management strategy for the London boroughs developed and implemented by LoBEG.