TRANSRISK (H2020-MSCA-IF-2016): Vulnerability and risk assessment of transport systems of assets exposed to geo-hazards

PI: Dr Stergios A Mitoulis  |  Marie-Curie Research Fellow: Dr Sotirios A Argyroudis

Industrial Partners: Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI), TRL The Future of Transport


  • Multiple hazards, e.g. flood series over time, flood-earthquake, earthquake-tsunami, are major threats to transport infrastructure (Figure 1)
  • Resilience-based management should include specific methods to define and measure resilience and new approaches for communicating assessments to stakeholders
  • Infrastructure owners and operators urgently need a methodology for enabling rapid risk and resilience assessments

Figure 1. Transport Systems of Assets (SoA) in diverse ecosystems: Motorways in mountainous areas


  • To deliver advanced numerical models of transport SoA subjected to critical geo- and climatic hazards
  • To develop fragility models for assessing the vulnerability of transport SoA exposed to multiple hazards
  • To establish resilience assessment models for transport infrastructure that account for the nature of the hazards, their sequence, the loss of functionality, the recovery strategies and their rapidity, and the associated losses

Methodology for multiple hazard fragility functions

Methodology for multiple hazard resilience assessment

numerical model

resilience indexes



Argyroudis SA, Mitoulis SA, Hofer L, Zanini MA, Tubaldi E, Frangopol D (2020). Resilience assessment framework for critical infrastructure in a multi-hazard environment. Science of the Total Environment, 

Argyroudis S, Mitoulis S, Winter M, Kaynia AM (2019). Fragility of transport assets exposed to multiple hazards: State-of-the-art review toward infrastructural resilience. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 191, 106567

Argyroudis S, Nasiopoulos G, Mantadakis N, Mitoulis SA (2020). Cost-based seismic resilience assessment of bridges. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering. (under review)

Argyroudis S, Achillopoulou D, Livina V, Mitoulis S (2020). Data-driven resilience assessment for transport infrastructure exposed to multiple hazards by integrating multiscale terrestrial and airborne monitoring systems, 10th International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management, IABMAS2020, 28 June-2 July, Sapporo, Japan.

Argyroudis S, Hofer L, Zanini MA, Mitoulis S (2019). Resilience of critical infrastructure for multiple hazards: Case study on a highway bridge. 2nd International Conference on Natural Hazards & Infrastructure (ICONHIC), Chania, Greece, 23-26 June.

Nasiopoulos G, Mantadakis N, Pitilakis D, Argyroudis S, Mitoulis S (2019). Resilience of bridges subjected to earthquakes: A case study on a portfolio of road bridges. 2nd Intern Conf on Natural Hazards & Infrastructure (ICONHIC), Chania, Greece, 23-26 June.

Mitoulis S, Argyroudis S, Lamb R (2019). Risk and resilience of bridgeworks exposed to hydraulic hazards, IABSE2019-New York, September 4-6.

Yuan V, Argyroudis S, Tubaldi E, Pregnolato M, Mitoulis S (2019). Fragility of bridges exposed to multiple hazards and impact on transport network resilience. SECED2019 Earthquake risk and engineering towards a resilient world, Greenwich, 9-10 September.

Argyroudis S, Winter MG, Mitoulis S (2019). Transportation infrastructure ecosystems and their vulnerability to geohazards. XVII European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Reykjavik Iceland, 1-6 September.

Argyroudis S, Mitoulis S, Winter MG, Kaynia AM (2018). Fragility of critical transportation infrastructure systems subjected to geo-hazards. 16th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering, June 18-21, Thessaloniki, Greece.